Go Boston 2030
Go Boston 2030 is the City of Boston’s comprehensive transportation plan.
This plan envisions a city where all residents have better and more equitable travel choices. We are working to build efficient transportation networks that create economic opportunity. We’ll also take much needed steps to prepare for climate change.
By putting this plan in place, people will be able to access all parts of Boston safely and reliably. This is true whether you travel on foot, by public transportation, by bike, or by car.
Putting our Action Plan Projects in place
We've already started work on projects and policies listed in the Go Boston 2030 Action Plan. We are implementing early action projects and designing for longer-term initiatives. More than half of the 58 projects in the Action Plan are underway. These projects were developed from the more than 3,700 ideas submitted during our public outreach effort.
Action Plan Projects
Improving local and regional transit service
More reliable bus, train, ferry, and shuttle networks
The Transportation Department established its first ever Transit Team in 2019.
Safer, stress free, more accessible walking and biking
Creating welcoming, connected, complete streets
In 2018, the City committed to capital improvement projects to improve street safety.
Smarter, more efficient streets
Smart traffic signals, performance parking, and climate readiness
The New Mobility Team is currently expanding and developing programs to increase street efficiency.
Reaching Our Aspirational Targets
Go Boston 2030 established aspirational targets. These are desired outcomes that residents want our projects and policies to achieve.
Traffic fatalities and severe injuries in Boston will be eliminated
Every Bostonian will be 10 min walk of transit, bikeshare, and carshare
Bostonians' average commute to work time will decrease by 10%
Reducing drive alone to work rates by 50% and increasing transit use by 33%
Carbon neutrality by 2050
Reduce transportation costs for low income households
Accessing the Report
You can also get more familiar with the plan through the report chapters below.
Report chapters
Report chaptersVisioning Public Engagement Process
Public Process
Question Campaign
In the winter of 2015, we collected 5,000 questions and sorted them into nine themes

Question Review Session
In February of 2015, our community and agency partners came together to identify priority questions for each theme.

Visioning Lab
In May of 2015, over 650 people attended a 2-day Visioning Lab to shape the goals of Go Boston 2030.
Action Plan Public Engagement Process

Idea Campaign
In the fall of 2015, a bike trailer touring neighborhoods, an online portal, and a series of roundtables gathered 3,700 project and policy ideas.

Idea Review and Scenario Workshop
In the winter of 2016, our community and agency partners came together to review ideas and a three-day scenario workshop produced four possible transportation futures.

Select a Future
In Spring of 2016, an online survey and paper ballot were used to collect input on the transportation futures from 3,800 people.