Boston’s hub for programming, events, and resources for your entire family to enjoy all summer long!

Summer in Boston
Stay Cool All Summer Long
Splash Pads Map
Find a spot for your family cool down during the summer.
Heat Safety Tips
Extreme heat can be dangerous to health, and even fatal. We want our residents and visitors to be safe during hot weather.
BCYF Pool Locations
At Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF), we offer a variety of aquatics programs at our indoor pools, two outdoor pools, and beach.
Summer Events
Open Streets Boston
Experience our streets as public spaces! Explore our Open Streets Boston events on June 25 in Jamaica Plain, July 15 in Roxbury, August 19 in Allston-Brighton, September 17 in Dorchester, and October 15 in East Boston!
114th NAACP National Convention
The City of Boston is proud to host the upcoming 114th National Convention in Boston from July 26, 2023 to August 1, 2023 at the Boston Convention Center.
Summer Dance Party Series
This family-friendly event series, featuring salsa, kizomba, R&B, and house music, is free and open to the public.
City Hall Plaza Events
As the epicenter of the City of Boston, City Hall Plaza is a place where all Boston residents, visitors, and newcomers have access to participate in arts and cultural events.
More Events and Programming
View more events happening around our City!
Summer Programs and Activities
Summer Eats
Boston Summer Eats provides nutritious breakfast and lunch at no cost at over 100 sites across the City. All youth 18 and under are eligible. No ID or registration required.
Youth Sports
Learn where you can play sports this summer
From basketball to softball and everything in between, find a collection of youth sports opportunities in Boston here! Many opportunities are free and open for registration.
Emerald Necklace
Boston's Emerald Necklace consists of an 1,100-acre chain of nine parks linked by parkways and waterways.
Summer Programs and Events at BCYF
Boston Centers for Youth & Families offers many summer classes and programs for youth. These aren’t only a lot of fun — they also keep children active over the summer months so they are prepared for the return to school in the fall.
Parks Fitness Series
The Boston Parks Fitness Series offers free fitness programming in Boston parks. Join us for both in-person and virtual classes led by certified fitness instructors.
Parks Sports and Activities
We offer free athletic programs, clinics, and camps in neighborhood parks across the City.
Programming, Activities, and Special Events in Boston's Parks
Every year the Parks Department brings engaging programs and events to parks throughout the City of Boston. Don't miss out on these free, fun events!
Host an event in a public park!
Check out Boston Parks and Recreation's new online permitting and registration system. We are proud to offer a wide range of activities and events for the whole family!
Host a Block Party!
Block parties are one of the most delightful ways to connect neighbors, build community, and have fun! Depending on what activities you want, you may need more than one permit.
Women Bike!
Our free learn-to-ride classes are led by women and are for any Boston resident who identifies as female or gender-diverse. Each participant will gain the skills and confidence to get on a bike and keep on rolling! Bikes and helmets are provided.
BPL Outdoor Spaces
We’re expanding the critical role of Boston Public Library (BPL) branches as community resource hubs.
Friday Afternoon Concerts
The Friday Afternoon Concert Series returns to Sam Adams Park this summer!
Historic Burying Grounds Initiative
The Historic Burying Grounds Initiative manages sixteen different burying grounds located in Boston.
Stay connected to youth events happening across the City this summer!
Youth Summer Employement
We employ Boston's youth at nonprofits, community-based organizations, and City agencies. Applications are open for 2023 Summer Youth Jobs.
Students who participate in PIC work readiness activities and work closely with your PIC career specialist receive priority access to PIC Employment Opportunities for the School Year & Summer.
BCYF Lifeguard Recruitment
BCYF often has positions open for lifeguards. We offer full-time year-round and seasonal positions. If you are interested in being a lifeguard at a BCYF pool you can check out available positions in the City of Boston Career Center.
Summer safety
The Mayor’s Office, in tandem with other City of Boston Departments and constituents of the communities most impacted by community violence, will develop a comprehensive community violence prevention, intervention, recovery, and community-building framework. This framework will be implemented during the Summer of 2023, and will roll over into a year-round priority. Our framework aims to acknowledge the root causes and social determinants of violence, while also proactively intervening in conflicts to prevent violence from occurring or escalating. These programs and initiatives represent the work that City departments are currently participating in, while also highlighting the existing gaps in services that we want to address. Centering the safety and well-being of the community, we create pathways to opportunities so that all Bostonians can thrive.
Mosquitos and Ticks
Heading to a grassy or wooded area? Make sure to apply a repellent that will protect against mosquitoes and ticks. Mosquito bites can spread West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis. Ticks can spread Lyme disease.
Bug Tips
Check yourself, children, and pets for ticks after returning indoors.
Remove attached ticks right away using tweezers.
Wear long sleeve shirts, long pants, and socks to prevent mosquito and tick bites.
Limit your time outdoors between dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active at that time.
To stop mosquitoes from breeding:
Limit places around the home where standing water can collect
Turn over unused flower pots, buckets, wheelbarrows, and garbage cans
Remove leaves and other debris that can clog gutters and trap water
Remove old tires and cover swimming pools when not in use.
Extreme heat
During periods of extreme heat, we'll declare a heat emergency and open community centers as cooling centers. Please check on your neighbors and the elderly to make sure they're okay.
Watch out for those at risk
Infants, children, people age 65 and older, and the homeless are at greater risk for heat-related illness. Other high risk people are those who are physically ill or who take certain medications.
Drink water and stay hydrated
Drink more water no matter how active you are. Avoid alcohol and sugary or caffeinated drinks. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink.
Don't leave children or pets in cars
Never leave children and pets alone in cars. Cars heat up quickly even if the windows are slightly open.