Early Childhood
The Office of Early Childhood is committed to universal, affordable, high-quality early education and care for all infants, toddlers, and children under five.
Our main goals are to expand access to high-quality early education and childcare programs, invest in Boston’s early education and care workforce, and serve as a central point-of-entry for residents looking for information on early education and childcare programming, and wraparound services for young children and their families.
Our office will address the needs highlighted in Boston’s 2021 Childcare Census Survey report.
Upcoming RFPs
The Office of Early Childhood released the following Request for Proposal (RFP)s.
- Citywide Enrollment Platform:
Bidder Conference will be held on Monday, August 28, 2023, at 3p.m. (EDT).
Sign up for August 28 Bidder conference
- Family Child Care (FCC) Licensing Support Program:
Bidder Conference will be held on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, at 11a.m. (EDT).
Our Priorities
- Expanding high-quality, affordable early education and childcare options for infants and toddlers.
- Accelerating the creation of a universal pre-K system that stretches across Boston Public Schools, community-based organizations, and family-based childcare programs.
- Investing in the early education and childcare workforce by building sustainable career pathways for educators.
- Creating a one-stop shop for enrollment and access to early education and childcare programs by building an accessible, multilingual portal
- Coordinating outreach and information related to both City-run and community-led programs that impact the lives of young children and their families.
Our Initatives
Family Child Care Roadmap
Roadmap for aspiring and established family child care providers. A step-by-step guide to navigate the process and ensure your business's successful start or expansion
ASQ Training For FCC Educators
Training provides FCC educators with the skill and knowledge to ensure every child takes part in developmental screening.
FCC Shared Services Licensing Support Program
Program provides business support for individuals who would like to open a FCC business.
Stimulus and Stability Fund for Childcare Centers
A competitive grant program for childcare centers
Essential Worker Childcare Fund
A fund to increase the ability of essential workers to pay for childcare
Growing the Early Childhood Workforce
A grant application for institutions of higher education and educational and workforce development nonprofit organizations
Tech and Marketing: CEF 201
The Tech and Marketing training gives providers the technology tools they need to connect to families, expand their business, and implement the skills they learned in the CEF business courses.
Childcare Entrepreneur Fund, CEF 101
Providing support and training for FCC providers across Boston
2023 Childcare Survey
Your answers will help us better understand challenges with childcare