This webinar will provide residents with the knowledge and strategies to protect their electric accounts from aggressive and deceptive energy marketers and scammers. It will also introduce an upcoming City of Boston electricity program ("Community Choice Electricity"). Cantonese interpretation, ASL, and CART provided.
Residents frequently receive door-to-door solicitations, mail, and telemarketing calls from marketers trying to sign them up for electricity contracts. Most residents pay more for electricity once bound by a contract. In this webinar, we’ll discuss where your electricity comes from, how to avoid common pitfalls, and how to make the energy decisions that are best for you, your family, and your business. Learn more about these issues. We will also highlight an upcoming city program (“Community Choice Electricity”), which will offer a new and exciting opportunity to meet your electricity needs. The webinar will include a presentation followed by a question-and-answer session.
This webinar will be presented in English with Cantonese language interpretation, ASL, and CART services provided. Registration is required. Please reach out to by September 15 if additional accommodations are required.