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Boston Home Center Virtual Homeowners' Workshop

On September 20 at 6 p.m., the Boston Home Center will host a virtual homeowners' workshop.

September 20, 2022
2022-09-20T18:00:00 - 2022-09-20T19:30:00

Learn about the Boston Home Center's no interest home repair loans, additional dwelling unity (ADU) loans, and how you can receive grant money of up to $10,000 per unit for removing lead paint from your home. If you are struggling with your housing payment, learn about our Foreclosure Prevention and Intervention program as well as our Foreclosure Emergency Fund.

Interpretative services in Spanish, Cantonese and Mandarin will be provided. To request another language, including American Sign Language, email at least seven days prior to the workshop. Every effort will be made to accommodate your request.

Register for the workshop on Zoom

El 20 de septiembre a las 6 de la tarde, el Boston Home Center ofrecerá un taller virtual para propietarios de viviendas.

Infórmese sobre los préstamos para la reparación de viviendas sin intereses del Boston Home Center, los préstamos para ADU y cómo puede recibir una subvención de hasta $10.000 por unidad para eliminar la pintura con plomo de su hogar. Si tiene problemas para pagar su vivienda, infórmese sobre nuestro programa de prevención e intervención de ejecuciones hipotecarias, así como sobre nuestro fondo de emergencia para ejecuciones hipotecarias.

Se ofrecerán servicios de interpretación en español, cantonés y mandarín. Para solicitar otro idioma, incluido el lenguaje de señas estadounidense, envíe un correo electrónico a como mínimo siete días antes del taller. Se hará todo lo posible para atender su solicitud.

Inscríbase para el taller en Zoom

9 月 20 日下午 6 点,波士顿家居中心(Boston Home Center )将举办远程视频房主研讨会。

了解波士顿家居中心的无息房屋维修贷款、增添屋内间房(ADU - 英語簡稱) 贷款,以及如何获得每单位高达10,000美元的补助金,用于去除家中的含铅油漆。如果您在支付住房费用方面遇到困难,聯系我们了解有关止赎预防、干预计划及止赎应急基金。

将提供西班牙语、粤语和普通话的口译服务。如需其他语言的口译服务,包括美国手语,请至少在研讨会前 7 天发送电子邮件至。我们将尽一切努力满足您的要求。

在Zoom 登记参与研讨会

Nan dat 20 septanm a 6 pm, Boston Home Center pral òganize yon Atelye travay Vityèl pou Pwopriyetè Kay yo.

Jwenn enfòmasyon sou prè reparasyon kay san enterè nan Boston Home Center, Prè ADU, ak kijan ou ka resevwa lajan sibvansyon jiska $10,000 pou chak inite pou retire penti plon lakay ou. Si w gen difikilte avèk peman lojman w, jwenn enfòmasyon sou pwogram Prevansyon ak Entèvansyon Sezi Ipotèk nou an ansanm ak Fon Ijans Sezi Ipotèk nou an.

Yo pral bay sèvis entèpretasyon an Panyòl, Kantonè ak Mandaren. Pou mande yon lòt lang, tankou Lang siy Ameriken, imèl omwen sèt jou anvan atelye travay la. Yo pral fè tout efò pou akomode demann ou an.

Anrejistre pou atelye travay la sou Zoom

Na dia 20 di setenbru, pa 18h, Boston Home Center stá ta bai resebi un Seminariu Virtual pa Proprietarius di Kaza.

Sabi mas sobri kes enprestimus sen jurus pa reparason na rezidensias di Boston Home Center, enprestimus ADU i komu ki bu ta  podi resebi dinheru di até US$ 10.000 pur unidadi pa retira tinta ku txunbu di bu kaza. Si bu stá ta ku difikuldadis na paga bu moradia, sabi mas sobri nôs programa di prevenson i intervenson kontra izekuson ipotekaria, ben komu nôs fundu di imerjénsia kontra  izekuson ipotekaria.

Stá ta bai ser fornesidu servisus di interpretason na spanhol, kantonês i mandarin. Pa pidi servisu na otu lingua, inkluindu Linguajen Jestual Amerikanu (American Sign Language), mandá-nu un e-mail pa pelu menus seti dias antis di seminariu. Tudu sforsu stá ta bai ser fetu pa satisfazi bu pididu.

Inskrevi pa seminariu na Zoom

Ngày 20 tháng Chín lúc 6 giờ chiều, Trung Tâm Gia Cư Boston sẽ tổ chức một Hội Thảo Trực Tuyến Dành Cho Các Chủ Nhà.

Hãy tìm hiểu thêm về các khoản vay sửa nhà không lãi suất của Trung Tâm Gia Cư Boston, các khoản vay ADU, và cách quý vị có thể nhận các khoản tiền trợ cấp lên đến $10,000 mỗi căn hộ để gỡ bỏ sơn pha chì ra khỏi căn nhà của quý vị. Nếu quý vị đang gặp khó khăn chi trả các khoản tiền nhà ở, hãy tìm hiểu chương trình Ngăn Chặn và Can Thiệp Tịch Thu Nhà cũng như Quỹ Hỗ Trợ Tịch Thu Nhà Khẩn Cấp.

Có cung cấp dịch vụ thông dịch bằng tiếng Tây Ban Nha, Quảng Đông và Quan Thoại. Để yêu cầu thông dịch một ngôn ngữ khác, kể cả Ngôn Ngữ Ký Hiệu Hoa Kỳ, xin gửi email đến ít nhất bảy ngày trước khi hội thảo. Chúng tôi sẽ nỗ lực đáp ứng yêu cầu của quý vị.

Đăng ký tham dự hội thảo qua Zoom

No dia 20 de setembro, às 6pm, o Boston Home Center sediará um Workshop Virtual de Proprietários de Imóveis.

Saiba mais sobre os empréstimos sem juros para reparos residenciais, os empréstimos para Unidade de Habitação Adicional (ADU)  do Boston Home Center e como você pode receber até US$ 10.000 em dinheiro por unidade para remover tinta com chumbo de seu imóvel. Se você estiver tendo dificuldades para pagar o seu imóvel, saiba mais sobre nosso programa de Prevenção e Intervenção de Encerramento, bem como nosso Fundo de Emergência de Encerramento.

Serão fornecidos serviços de interpretação em espanhol, cantonês e mandarim. Para solicitar outro idioma, incluindo a Linguagem de Sinais Americana, envie um e-mail para pelo menos sete dias antes do workshop.

Todos os esforços serão feitos para atender a sua solicitação.

Inscreva-se para o workshop no Zoom

Le 20 septembre à 18 heures, le Boston Home Center organisera un atelier virtuel dédié aux propriétaires de maisons.

Découvrez les prêts sans intérêt du Boston Home Center pour la réparation des maisons, les prêts ADU, et comment vous pouvez bénéficier d’une subvention allant jusqu’à 10 000 dollars par unité pour retirer la peinture au plomb de votre maison. Si vous avez des difficultés à payer votre logement, veuillez vous renseigner sur notre Programme de prévention et d’intervention en cas de saisie ainsi que sur notre Fonds d’urgence en cas de saisie.

Des services d’interprétation en espagnol, cantonais et mandarin seront fournis. Si vous souhaitez demander une autre langue, y compris la langue des signes américaine (ASL), veuillez envoyer un email à au moins sept jours avant l’atelier. Toutes les mesures seront prises pour satisfaire votre demande.

Inscrivez-vous à l’atelier sur Zoom

Bisha Sateembar 20, marka ay tahay 6pm, Xarunta Guriga Boston (Boston Home Center) waxay martigelin doontaa Tababarka Internetka ee la siiyo Milkiileyaasha Guriga (Virtual Homeowners' Workshop).

Baro deynta hagaajinta guriga aan korsaarka lahayn ee Xarunta Guriga Boston (Boston Home Center), deynta ADU, iyo sida aad u heli kartid lacag deeq ah ilaa $10,000 halkii guri si gurigaa looga fiiqo rinjiga macdanta "lead". Haddii aad dhibaato ku qabtid bixinta kharashka guriga, baro brograamkena Ka Hortagga iyo Faragelinta Xaraashka Guriga (Foreclosure Prevention and Intervention) iyo sidoo kale Maaliyaddena Degdegga Xaraashka (Foreclosure Emergency Fund).

Waxaa la keeni doonaa adeegyada tarjamada Isbanish, Cantonese iyo Mandarin. Si aad u cosatid luqad kale, sida Luqadda Faraha (American Sign Language), email u dir ugu yaraan todobo maalin ka hor inta aan la bilaabin tababarka.  Waxaa lagu dadaali doonaa in la soo dhaweeyo codsigaada.

Isku qor tababarka Zoom

20 сентября в 18:00 в Центре помощи покупателям жилья города Бостон (Boston Home Center) пройдет виртуальный семинар домовладельцев.

Узнайте о беспроцентных кредитах на ремонт дома от Центр помощи покупателям жилья города Бостон, кредитах на дополнительную жилищную единицу (ADU) и о том, как вы можете получить грант в размере до 10 000 долларов США на жилищную единицу для удаления свинцовой краски из вашего дома. Если вы испытываете затруднения с оплатой жилья, узнайте о нашей программе предотвращения потери права выкупа (Foreclosure Prevention) и программе вмешательства, а также о нашем Чрезвычайном фонде предотвращения потери права выкупа (Foreclosure Emergency Fund).

Будут предоставлены услуги устного перевода на испанский язык, кантонский и мандаринский диалекты китайского языка. 

Чтобы запросить другой язык, включая американский язык жестов (ASL), напишите по адресу электронной почты не менее чем за семь дней до семинара. Будут приложены все усилия, чтобы удовлетворить ваш запрос.

Зарегистрируйтесь на семинар в Zoom

في يوم 20 سبتمبر في تمام الساعة 6 مساءً، سيستضيف مركز بوسطن للمساكن Boston Home Center ورشة عمل أصحاب المنازل الافتراضية.

اطلع على معلومات إضافية بشأن قروض إصلاح المنازل بدون فوائد، وقروض بناء الوحدات السكنية الملحقة  ADU من مركز بوسطن للمساكن Boston Home Center، وكيف يمكنك الحصول على منحة مالية تصل إلى 10,000 دولار لكل وحدة سكنية لإزالة الطلاء المحتوي على الرصاص من منزلك.

إذا كنت تكافح لسداد المبالغ المالية الخاصة بمنزلك، فتعرف على برنامج منع الحجز العقاري والتدخل القضائي الخاص بنا وكذلك صندوق تمويل طوارئ الحجز العقاري لدينا.

سيتم توفير خدمات الترجمة الفورية باللغات الإسبانية والصينية الكانتونية والصينية المَنْدَرينية.

لطلب لغة أخرى، بما في ذلك لغة الإشارة الأمريكية، أرسل بريدًا إلكترونيًا إلى قبل سبعة أيام على الأقل من ورشة العمل.

سيتم بذل كل جهد ممكن لتلبية طلبك.

سجل لحضور ورشة العمل على برنامج زووم Zoom

September 20, 2022
2022-09-20T18:00:00 - 2022-09-20T19:30:00
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BCYF Spelling Bee 2023

Mark your calendar and join us for the 2023 Spelling Bee on March 18, 2023. Boston schools are invited to register now to participate.

March 18, 2023
2023-03-18T10:00:00 - 2023-03-18T13:00:00

The BCYF Spelling Bee recognizes the hard work of talented students from participating schools. They'll be competing for the chance to represent Boston at the Scripps National Spelling Bee.   

Boston students of public, charter, pilot, and parochial schools as well as home-schooled students are eligible to participate in BCYF’s Bee this spring only after they have won a Bee held at a Boston school.  Please see attached document for information about how schools can register.


March 18, 2023
2023-03-18T10:00:00 - 2023-03-18T13:00:00
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'Tipping the Pain Scale' Film Premiere

As part of our observance of National Recovery Month, the City of Boston is hosting a premiere screening of this feature documentary film about the addiction crisis in America reaching a new boiling point and the courageous people — at all levels, from all backgrounds — answering the call to help their communities.

September 26, 2022
2022-09-26T17:00:00 - 2022-09-26T19:45:00

Following the screening, there will be a panel discussion with the filmmakers and some featured cast members. This program highlighting community organizations working to change the trajectory of the addiction crisis in Boston is presented in partnership with Young People in Recovery, the Mayor's Office of Recovery Services, and the Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture.

Register for the event

Tipping the Pain Scale poster

"Tipping the Pain Scale" follows individuals grappling with the current systemic failures of how we have dealt with addiction in communities and their journey to develop and employ new, innovative, and often controversial solutions to the problem. It is a quasi-anthology, weaving characters through their own stories as they connect to the issues plaguing all communities and the country in an urgent fight to save lives. 

"Tipping the Pain Scale" is a Vivifi Films production from award-winning producers of "The Anonymous People" and "Generation Found", Greg Williams and two-time Emmy award-winner Jeff Reilly, featuring Secretary of Labor, Marty Walsh; NFL Pro Bowl Player, Darren Waller; Spoken Word Artist and Educator, Joseph Green; WA State Representative, Lauren Davis; Community Outreach Volunteer, Roz Pichardo; Boston Police Officer, Josh De La Rosa; and founding Policy Director of the Mayor’s Office of Recovery Services, Brendan Little; with music from nine-time Grammy nominated Sia. 

For more information, visit the documentary's website.

September 26, 2022
2022-09-26T17:00:00 - 2022-09-26T19:45:00
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Virtual Town Hall Meeting on Monkeypox

Join a one-hour discussion about Monkeypox and learn important information to protect yourself and community.  

August 29, 2022
  • 3:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Virtual: Register at link
    Boston, MA
  • Contact:
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Posted:
2022-08-29T15:00:00 - 2022-08-29T16:00:00

The Black Boston COVID-19 Coalition and Boston LesBiGay Urban Foundation are hosting a Virtual Town Hall Meeting about Monkeypox, in partnership with the Mayor's Office of LGBTQ+ Advancement and the Boston Public Health Commission.

Please register for this event. You can share this flyer with your networks to invite others to attend. 

August 29, 2022
  • 3:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Virtual: Register at link
    Boston, MA
  • Contact:
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Posted:
2022-08-29T15:00:00 - 2022-08-29T16:00:00
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Ready Boston Field Day

Join us for Ready Boston Field Day on September 9 from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. For National Preparedness Month, come learn how to prepare for emergencies and disasters and leave with safety tips, giveaways, and life-saving skills.

September 9, 2023
2023-09-09T11:00:00 - 2023-09-09T15:00:00

The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is hosting the City’s second annual Ready Boston Field Day at English High School Track and Field on Saturday, September 9, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. 

  • Learn CPR and first aid from Boston Emergency Medical Services through demonstrations and practice sessions.
  • Get fire-safety tips from the Boston Fire Department.
  • Participate in an emergency exercise with public safety professionals.
  • Get an inside look at emergency vehicles: SWAT vehicles, ambulances, police cruisers, fire trucks, emergency management vehicles, and more.
  • Build an emergency kit to help you and your family prepare for an emergency.
  • Play preparedness games and collect giveaways!
September 9, 2023
2023-09-09T11:00:00 - 2023-09-09T15:00:00
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Boston Slavery Exhibit Open House

Join City of Boston Archaeology to learn about the history of slavery in Boston and tell us what you would like to see in the exhibit.

September 1, 2022
  • 6:00pm - 7:30pm
  • Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building
    2300 Washington Street
    Boston, MA 02119
  • Contact:
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2022-09-01T18:00:00 - 2022-09-01T19:30:00

The City's Archaeology team has uncovered and researched artifacts that tell the history of slavery in Boston. Join the open house to learn the artifacts discovered and share your thoughts on the details of the upcoming Faneuil Hall exhibit.

Register for the event

September 1, 2022
  • 6:00pm - 7:30pm
  • Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building
    2300 Washington Street
    Boston, MA 02119
  • Contact:
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2022-09-01T18:00:00 - 2022-09-01T19:30:00
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Jamaica Plain Community Listening Session

Join the Mayor's Office of Women's Advancement for a discussion on how the City of Boston is looking to redefine womanhood in Boston.

December 1, 2022
2022-12-01T18:00:00 - 2022-12-01T19:30:00

At the event, you'll learn about the office's current resources and how we look to move forward with your input. Food, childcare, and interpretation services are available during the event.

Register for the event

Can't make it? Fill out our Redefining Womanhood survey online!

December 1, 2022
2022-12-01T18:00:00 - 2022-12-01T19:30:00
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Roxbury Community Listening Session

Join the Mayor's Office of Women's Advancement for a discussion on how the City of Boston is looking to redefine womanhood in Boston.

September 22, 2022
2022-09-22T18:00:00 - 2022-09-22T19:30:00

At the event, you'll learn about the office's current resources and how we look to move forward with your input. Food, childcare, and interpretation services are available during the event.

Register for the event

Can't make it? Fill out our Redefining Womanhood survey online!

September 22, 2022
2022-09-22T18:00:00 - 2022-09-22T19:30:00
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Mattapan Community Listening Session

Join the Mayor's Office of Women's Advancement for a discussion on how the City of Boston is looking to redefine womanhood in Boston.

October 18, 2022
2022-10-18T18:00:00 - 2022-10-18T19:30:00

At the event, you'll learn about the office's current resources and how we look to move forward with your input. Food, childcare, and interpretation services are available during the event.

Register for the event

Can't make it? Fill out our Redefining Womanhood survey online!

October 18, 2022
2022-10-18T18:00:00 - 2022-10-18T19:30:00
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Dorchester Community Listening Session

Join the Mayor's Office of Women's Advancement for a discussion on how the City of Boston is looking to redefine womanhood in Boston.

August 18, 2022
2022-08-18T18:00:00 - 2022-08-18T19:30:00

At the event, you'll learn about the office's current resources and how we look to move forward with your input. Food, childcare, and interpretation services are available during the event.

Can't make it? Fill out our Redefining Womanhood survey online!

Take the survey

August 18, 2022
2022-08-18T18:00:00 - 2022-08-18T19:30:00
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