Countdown To Kindergarten
Countdown to Kindergarten engages families, educators and the community to enhance early learning opportunities. It also supports the successful transition to kindergarten. The programs and activities create a continuum of services that support families from birth through kindergarten entry. It connects families in the City to Boston Public Schools (BPS). This approach ensures families register for BPS and Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK).
First time Boston Public School Kindergarteners: Come celebrate with us!
Parent-Child Playgroups
Parent-Child Playgroups
Parent-child playgroups for children 1-5 years old that live in Boston
Parents and caregivers are welcome! Children can start to build on their school readiness skills.
Countdown to Kindergarten Interest Form
For parents and caregivers who want to join a playgroup, meet new friends and prepare for kindergarten.
Photo Gallery
A photo gallery of countdown to kindergarten events.
Information Sessions
Virtual Kindergarten and UPK information Sessions
Join one of the virtual information sessions to learn about the registration process for UPK and Kindergarten.
Child Care Providers: Request an Information Session at Your Site
Child Care providers can request an information session at their site to educate families on how to register for UPK and Kindergarten.
Information Session Registration Folder FY23-24
Registration Folder with resource and information about the registration process for UPK and Kindergarten.
Register to Kindergarten and UPK
Access to Registration Folder
This folder provides information on all aspects of the Kindergarten and UPK registration process.
Enrollment Information for Kindergarten Boston Public Schools (BPS)
Known as K2 (for 5-year-olds)
Enrollment Information for K2 (for 5-year-olds) student who must turn 5 years old by September 1 of that school year.
Enrollment Information for UPK at Boston Public Schools (BPS)
Known as K0 (for 3-year-olds) and K1 (for 4-year-olds)
Enrollment Information for K0 (for 3-year-olds) and K1 (for 4-year-olds) students who must turn 3 years old for K0 or 4 years old by September 1 of that school year.
Enrollment Information for UPK at Community-Based Providers for 2022-2023
Enrollment Information for UPK at Community-Based Providers for 2022-2023.
Enrollment Information for UPK at Community-Based Providers for 2023-2024
Enrollment Information for UPK at Community-Based Providers for 2023-2024.
Enrollment Information for UPK at Family Child Care Providers
Enrollment Information for UPK at Family Child care providers.

- Talk to me about feelings: it helps me manage them better.
- Explain why you make choices; it helps me learn how to solve problems
Upcoming Event:
Aligned with the week of the young child, we will host a Flash Rhyme Mob on Thursday, April 6, 11:30 - 12 p.m. Sign up online and join us in a citywide event where groups of providers and children will recite rhymes, poems and sing songs at different locations across the city at the same time. View videos of some songs that will be sung at event!

- Read with me, it helps me express my feelings and learn self-control.
- Count and point out shapes and colors, it helps me learn to focus and remember
Upcoming Events:
- Social Justice literacy series (information coming soon)

- Play and sing together with me. It helps me learn how to control my behavior and concentrate.
- Play games with me: it helps me learn to stay focused.
Upcoming Events:
- February break (Family STEM Workshop flyer)
- April break. more information here
- Kite and Bike Festival on May 20, more information here